Sunday, January 22, 2017

Flexibility and Productivity

This post I started in October of 2015. I thought I would finish it now. 😊

Some might call us crazy, this life of homeschooling six Children and having so many activities. I sometimes am one of those people!!! However, I have prayed about these choices, and feel good about them. Therefore, other people's opinions, (or my self doubt, which is most likely from Satan), really doesn't mean much. All of us have our own ideas of a productive life. Live and let live! So... on to...


I am tired, a lot. However, in thinking about more children, my plea to the Lord was, "Lord, I am so tired. However, if you really want us to have another member of this Family, we will welcome and love a little one with all our hearts." THIS, people, takes a lot of Faith, or  less nice people would say insanity... (This is actually how my fourth child got her name, because it takes a lot of Faith to keep going and having more children....) So, we found out the end of August of this year that we will, in fact, be having another child join us the end of April next year. This is both wonderful, and c'mon, slightly nutty. However, as I know that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," Philippians 4:19, I will take a deep breath, and know that our Faith in Heavenly Father and his Goodness will help us through our trials.

Also, honestly?? One of my biggest concerns is having our environment be "hard to control or handle" after this small fry comes. Really, though, have you ever met a control freak who was really happy?? Right. Not really. 

The truth is that the people I have had the blessing to get to know and who are happy and influence the most with their generosity and kindness, are people who cut themselves slack. Now, this doesn't mean being lazy, but it does mean that they can roll with the punches and be flexible. It might mean the house or children don't look perfect. It MAY APPEAR as though the house has been ransacked. 

THIS IS WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: We all have priorities. There is a time and season for everything. Some people would love to criticize my housekeeping, and others my children's education. Well, I am here to just say it. I CAN'T HAVE BOTH PERFECTLY DONE AT ALL TIMES!!! 

So, I am hoping to blog more often and talk about it. This, this homeschooling many, and spending so much time with them, can be intense.

On a daily basis, I have to be


 I have learned to be flexible. I am sure there are Moms who are much more disciplined and rigid in their style, but it really doesn't work for me. I have learned (or try, anyway), to roll with the unexpected. I mean, it can be nutty, when I am just about to help someone with their learning, and then Our smallest fry has had yet another accident. So, I have to go take care of him, and then get back to work. etc, etc... Then, someone who thinks I am just home, and can answer texts all day, texts and expects the answer ASAP. Oy.

Homeschooling looks different on a day to day basis. Sometimes it might look organized, people working quietly or listening. Sometimes, it is watching a video or doing an experiment to learn. Sometimes, it's going to a zoo, the park, or a museum. Or, it might be giving up on lessons when their eyes glaze over... And and we go do chores instead. Or. It might be that none of us are in the mood and we go read books or watch a movie instead.

I have learned that a well fed family helps us all to be nicer people. This is not as easy to do as it sounds. It's actually a pretty big weakness of mine, that I don't plan ahead enough, and am either lucky that a meal turned out or glad that the groceries I picked out actually make some good meals. 
Sometimes,  being a Stay at a home Mom, it's a lot like being a Traffic Cop. "Hey, you. Go that way. You, stay! You... wait. Why are you here??"

This also goes the same for these lovely people and their nutrition and waste. (She's  going to talk about waste? Oy.) I mean, we homeschool, so we especially see each other a lot...! (A LOT. It is recipe for insanity Sometimes!!) But look... Sometimes it's a recipe for fun...!

I have often said that a lot of what I do is directing traffic of stuff that goes in these people and monitoring or helping clean up what comes out. "What have you put inside you that's good lately?" Or, "Oh my heavens! That came out of you?" Or "Geez, You are crabby!! Are you constipated??" "Oh my heck! An explosive diaper!"

On that note...

I feel like I am always trying to be a good mother and remember... "Hey! What did you eat last? Hey. Nope. If you didn't eat a balanced meal last meal time, you may eat a healthy snack instead of a Fun, junk food snack."

Then, there's the other end. *Phew!* "What did you eat?? Good Heavens! Less milk and more vegetables, Child!" I mean, we have a sign that says, "Home is where your Heart is", but a more accurate Family Statement is, "Home is where your Fart is." We are to love each other no matter what. Sometimes unconditional love here just means cracking the window or spraying some natural air freshener (some drops of essential oil in a glass bottle of water to spray) for your poor travelling buddies or the others near ya in the house. Ha ha ha.

Or, like a good Traffic Cop, "Dude! Point your heinie in a different direction, man!" Or "You! Go do that somewhere else!" When some flatuates.

So, the difference is, that now that I know better, we ought to do better nutritionally, and eliminate or minimize the items that maximize flatuation. (I know you were hoping I would talk about this...!)

DR. Christopher says that Flatulence is caused by bile, your digestive fluid from your liver, mixed with old feces. (YUP. I said it.) Sooooooo.  One way to help your body is to a 3 day cleanse once a month to eliminate the junk that we give our bodies. I will explain that more in my next post.

To all the Traffic Cops out there, who are learning or understand how important good nutrition is, I salute you!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Birth of Our Lucky #7, or Weasel #7

Here is the first day that we thought we would hold our baby, March 27, 2016.

Alas, it was not meant to be yet!!

(I will fill in more details later...)

Here she finally came, into our awesome big garden tub, upstairs at our house!
April 21, 2016

She was born with only my husband catching her, and handing her to me. Weasel #2 took a video and pictures. Weasel #1 was there, too. It was awesome!!

It was very empowering to give birth "unassisted" as they say. However, it was really only possible because of a loving Heavenly Father, my wonderful husband, and my baby and I working together.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Philippians 4:19

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 who doesn't love it??

Okay, I might be a little obsessed with buying things on

NOW, however, is a great time to buy an Amazon Prime Membership!!! I love it! free shipping and Amazon Instant Videos. Here Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial
 Anyway, HAPPY SHOPPING!!! When my ADHD brain can remember to come back, I will post some of my favorite things I have bought on Amazon, beside my prime membership.

Our Family's First Trip to Disneyland Thanksgiving 2014

This last Thanksgiving we had three day Park Hopper Tickets to Disneyland and went with 28 total Johnsons. Wowsers.

I just wanted to post some highlights, and I will post more details later.

The first day, we did our "Magic Morning". It was aaaaaaaaawesome. I seriously could have popped because I was so happy to share the experience with my kids!!! In some ways, we just took FaithAnn, Meridian, and Jameson on vacation, because Keegan ditched us for the boy cousins, and Madison and Jaden ditched us for the teenagers. We sometimes saw them...sometimes. I guess it worked out, I just wish sometimes that we would see them more or that they would enjoy the little ones' happiness more. Annnyway...

Disneyland was fun, but Magic Morning made it better. Close to noon, we went back for a siesta and came back for a Parade at 3. After that, the crowds were tough. There were random teenagers and tons and tons of just adults wandering around. We had some fun, but crowds aren't my favorite. At all.

Here is a picture from the parade from the parade.

This was the Play Parade in California Adventures. It was Disney and Pixar folks and loud and fun!
This morning was the Magic Morning. It was so fun!!!!



Monday, June 23, 2014

Garden 2014

I am having so much fun gardening this year. I only finished last week getting it all in, so I am hoping and praying that our growing season will let my plants flourish.

We have six garden boxes this year. I love it. My husband is Supportive, even though be feels like it would be easier to just buy some canned tomatoes and be done with it.

 We also planted four emerald green thujas so far, with the hopes of planting four or five more. We hope that by the time someone buys the property on the other side, that our yard will each get some privacy. I can't wait to put lights on them at Christmas time.Thuja. I mean, I love that word! I can't wait for them to grow!! :)
 Gardening this year has been awesome therapy. I was stressed until I got it all in, but what a relief now!! :) I hope it all goes well when I am out of town in July.
I can't remember where I snagged this picture from, but I love it. I never helped garden as kid, or young adult, but I sure am loving it. I like projects, and am so excited to learn how as an adul. I am looking forward to growth, weeds, and TO CAN tomatoes at the end of the year!! :) 

This was before we tore down the fence, shortening the chickens' yard and increasing garden space. Oooh, back when the yard was green, also. Cedar City has been hot and dry, and our grass sure has suffered.

Here is my lovely daughter, who helped us to mix the soil. She is so tender, caring, and helpful. What a blessing.

Even Princesses can learn to garden!!

Here is a project that my oldest daughter helped me with. Yay!! We finally put mulch around the tree!!

Heaton Reunion 2014

This weekend we were in Alton at the Heaton Reunion. It was great.
Here are my two younger boys on the right with their cousin on the left.

It was called the "UnHeaton Reunion", and that was true. Instead of racing from activity to activity, we had lots of time to visit!! It was great!!
Here is our four year old on the left with her cousin on the right. He is one of her "best fwiends".

I just love it that these two get along so well!

 This gjrl is so Brave!! she  probably has no fear at all, whereas I might be a  bit of a chicken considering a horse weighs much, much, much more than I do.
Fluffy hair flowing in the breeze... not a care in the world...!

The other awesome thing is that our house wasn't flooded when we got back like it did last year! What a relief!!

Until next year; ya bunch o' Heatons!